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As your city council member my sole focus is maintaining and improving the city we love.
I only represent the citizens and businesses of Woodinville.
I do not seek nor accept outside endorsements or funding.
Rachel Best-Campbell for Woodinville City Council.
"I am asking all of the citizens of Woodinville to vote for Rachel Best-Campbell.
Council Member Best Campbell is a champion of those in need and is a highly effective member of the current council. She is committed to representing the needs and desires of the people who live Woodinville as she testifies, deliberates, collaborates and considers each issue.
I believe the best candidate for Position #3 on Woodinville's City Council is Rachel Best-Campbell."
"Rachel Best-Campbell is someone that I'm particularly proud to know. Please take the 5 minutes this week to pull out your ballot and vote for her.
Voting for Rachel and her team is an investment in affordable housing, valley preservation, small businesses and a vibrant downtown. But most importantly, voting for Rachel is an investment in whatever issue matters to you, because she always hears you out"
I attended Stanford University as a scholarship athlete (water polo), graduating with a degree in Human Biology focused on Public Health.
My future husband and I moved to Washington and settled into Woodinville in 2000. My son attended Wellington, Leota Middle, and is now at Woodinville High School. At WHS cross-country events you'll find me ringing the cow bell.
Volunteering has always been a part of my life. In high school I belonged to National Charity League, where I volunteered 100+ hours per year. I ran the Wellington Elementary Science Club and volunteered in my son's schools every chance I had. My council position is an extension of that dedication to service.
Even before joining council I advocated for safe walks. Starting in 2016 I engaged Woodinville city staff as a citizen, focusing on safe walking paths near our schools. It immediately became clear the most dangerous road for students was a section of 124th AVE in Woodinville's West Ridge neighborhood.
I made that my goal and in summer of 2020 the concrete was finished and ready for students.
Shortly after joining council, two citizens approached me about inadequacy of crosswalks on 140th Avenue. Each walks into the downtown for groceries and work, everyday. They had frequent near misses with speeding cars.
The solution was two-fold: I asked our Police Chief to schedule more patrols in the area and voted for Public Works to prioritize the installation of crosswalk beacons.
Installed in February 2021, these “RRFBs” (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) safely connect our neighborhoods to the downtown district.
In my first full council meeting I directed staff to find ways to improve our citizen's access to nature through Trails and Parks.
Trail projects include maintenance on the Greenbrier Trail in its namesake neighborhood and a new trail network in the Wood Trails area of West Wellington. We are using partners such as Washington Trails Association to foster citizen ownership of trails throughout Woodinville's beautiful forests.
Improved Parks were approved in January 2021 when I proposed and council agreed to expand city maintenance to all neighborhood 'pocket parks'
To help local small businesses come back from the pandemic, Woodinville provided low/no cost PPE to speed up safe re-openings. The city council also reduced permitting costs for small businesses and citizen home repairs to jump-start the economy.
Additionally, we have retained an outside consultant to revamp the City's permitting processes with a more customer-centric approach.
I founded the council's Climate-Action subcommittee with a charter to find Woodinville-scale projects that help the local and global environment. Two immediate wins were: Grinding buckled sidewalks instead of pouring new concrete (a major CO2 source) and applying for a grant to place solar power on City Hall.
The work will continue into the new year with an inventory of pesticide/fertilizer usage and plans to incorporate more native species in our parks.
From my first involvement with the city it was clear we needed better communications. The pandemic only made this more acute with the closure of City Hall.
I am proud that at my direction the City launched the Woodinville Works app to provide direct citizen-to-city feedback on issues. Download the free app see for yourself.
Widening the train trestle and redirecting traffic off 175th street will improve travel times and make it easier to connect one side of the city to the other.
We must work with the State to secure funding for SR202 (the road under the trestle). I will continue advocating that the state fix their road so we can increase traffic flow and decrease travel times.
Improving pedestrian facilities will make it easier for people to leave cars behind and enjoy our walkable downtown.
As the city council's representative on King County's Siting Advisory Group (SAG) I am committed to finding alternate sites that are more suitable than Woodinville for the proposed county solid waste transfer station.
The increased traffic, economic impact to businesses and proximity to the agricultural valley makes Woodinville an unsuitable option.
The city has an extraordinary opportunity to take a rare 50 contiguous acres in the Wood Trails parcel and build a trail system for all to enjoy. Construction and maintenance of the system will be volunteer-powered in partnership with trail experts.
The trail will eventually connect to the regional trails on the Eastrail corridor (which is replacing the current train tracks).
Woodinville is a desirable place to live and work. Land is scarce and I only support developments with the best combination of benefits for the community and responsible growth while adhering to our vision of a vibrant, walkable pedestrian core.
Each neighborhood in our community has a unique character and they should all be preserved.
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